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Saturday, 4 August 2012

People Foods that can Poison Dogs

By Jerry Welsh

If you want a healthy pet, stick to the foods recommended by dog experts. Simply put, the pet must not be given human foods as some of them are poisonous to dogs. A pet parent will certainly prevent the pet from eating if it is known that the food is poisonous. However, not many dog owners are aware that some common human foods can have toxic effects on the dog.

Dogs have huge appetites and they are also omnivorous thus anything will be eaten. Dogs can gain a lot of healthful benefits from fruits. Fruits are loaded with vitamins that will enhance the immune system of the dog and also strengthen the intestinal muscles for easier waste elimination. Dogs owners can give the pet any kind of fruits but not grapes and avocados. Dogs that have ingested sizeable amounts of grapes and raisin can have damaged kidneys caused by an unknown toxin that this fruit contains. Avocado is very dangerous for dogs as ingestion of the fruit, leaves, bark and pit can result to the death when the toxin causes fluid to accumulate in the dog's chest, heart and abdomen.

Choclolate, tea and coffee are other poisonous foods to dogs as the caffeine in coffee and tea as well as the theobromine in chocolates stimulates the dog's heart and nervous system often causing fatal results. A dog lover would always be amused by dogs that have learned to do tricks. A dog that would put on a show by drinking beer and other alcoholic beverages from the can would be very entertaining but owners have to realize that they are putting the life of the pet in danger by teaching this trick. The chemical compound in alcoholic beverages called ethanol cannot be tolerated by the dog's system. Dogs that have ingested alcoholic beverages will exhibit signs of respiratory depression as the ethanol is absorbed by the body. Immediate medical attention is imperative for dogs that have swallowed sizeable amounts of alcoholic beverage as inducing vomiting will not help the pet.

Onion is another common human food that is poisonous to dogs. This pungent bulb has thiosulfate, a substance that destroys red blood cells. As this substance is not destroyed by cooking dog owners has to be make sure that foods with onions are not given to dogs. Onion consumption can result to the death of the dog.

Dog owners should not assume that foods safe for human consumption will also be safe if consumed by dogs. Dogs have different metabolism thus foods that are perfectly safe for humans can have poisonous effects when consumed.

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