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Monday, 6 August 2012

How to help a pet with diarrhea

By Jerry Welsh

Man's best friends are tough. These animals were able to survive in the wild for thousands of years using only their own resources. Nowadays, dogs are provided by their owners everything they need and yet these animals would still be encumbered by debilitating diseases. Dogs are one of the animals well taken care of but these animals still suffer from a lot of diseases. Dogs have survived in the wild hunting their own food thus can the frail constitution be the result of poor quality commercial food? Diarrhea is one of the most common concerns of dogs.

Every now and then, dogs would have stomach upsets that would result to horrible smelling watery poop. Owners would certainly need to deal with the mess created by the dog as due to the urgency, the pet oftentimes can't get to its own bathroom. .

Dog wise people do not consider diarrhea as a disease. Dogs have the habit of ingesting not only spoiled food but non-edible objects as well. It's no wonder if these animals would suffer from an upset stomach every now and then. The diarrhea of the dog can be the result of food allergy. A sudden diet change can be the cause of the dog's stomach upset. Pet owners not concerned with the pet's watery stool would just let diarrhea to run its course. The dog has to purge from its stomach whatever toxic substance it has ingested thus medication is normally not given.

What most dog owners would do is to fast the dog to give the stomach a chance to rest. A 24 hour fasting for mature dogs and 12 hour fasting for young pets would give the dog's digestive system a chance to rest. Fasting though is not recommended for very young puppies. After the 24 hour fasting, boiled rice and chicken can be given in small amounts as these foods are easy to digest. Although diarrhea is not a serious situation, pet owners have to be aware of the signs of dehydration. Provide the dog with plenty of drinking water.

If acute diarrhea is not a serious concern, chronic diarrhea is. This type of diarrhea may not be due to eating indiscretion. Dogs with chronic diarrhea will be lethargic and feverish and pass bloody tinged stool. Dogs are voracious eaters but one with chronic diarrhea may not be interested in food. The pet must have medical attention stat as oftentimes the dog's chronic diarrhea is a sign that the dog has a more serious disease.

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