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Saturday, 11 August 2012

Dealing with the dog's impacted anal glands

By Jerry Welsh

One of the joys of dog ownership is watching the pet perform tricks. Dogs are intelligent and affectionate animals that have the tendency to play up to amuse the family. An owner would surely be proud to have a pet that dances on its hind legs or one that can render its own version of a song. Is the pet that is dragging its behind on the carpet is yet again trying to amuse the family? Has the dog learned another trick?

A dog that scoots or drags its behind on the floor may not be showing a new trick. The new "trick" may in fact be a sign that the dog is extremely uncomfortable because of an impacted anal gland.

Dogs have two small sacs on the left and right side of the anus known as anal glands. The sacs have small ducts that open to the anus and secrete pheromones, the odorous chemical that gives a dog a unique its distinct smell. This chemical that is unique to every dog serves as identification. The pheromones are naturally excreted when the dog poops. In stressful situations a dog may release the substance simply by raising the tail and squeezing the anus.

If the pheromones are not normally emptied, the anal gland can get impacted. An impacted anal gland would be a problem as aside from the discomfort the dog will feel, the condition can also lead to infection, an abscess that can rupture. The condition can also lead to anal gland carcinoma.

Regular emptying of the anal gland should therefore be included in the grooming routine of the dog especially if the pet's anal glands have the tendency to get impacted. Expressing the pet's anal glands can be a messy and a smelly task and most dog owners get the services of a vet or a professional groomer to undertake the procedure.

Anal gland expression though can be learned. The owner simply needs to lift the tail of the pet with one hand and use the thumb and the index finger to press the anal glands on both sides of the anus in an upward position. The gray or brownish smelly substance will be excreted. Remove the secretion with a damp towel or shampoo the dog's behind to remove smell of the anal secretion. Anal glands can get impacted if the dog's diet is low in fiber and the pet is not given regular opportunities to exercise thus these things have to be avoided to maintain the health of the pet.

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