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Saturday, 21 July 2012

What makes a dog lick the anal area

By Jerry Welsh

Licking is a natural behavior that dogs learn from puppyhood. Dogs cannot verbalize what they feel and one of the ways by which they can show their affection to humans is by licking. Dogs lick to communicate with humans and with other dogs as well. A mother dog will keep the litter clean by licking. Mother dogs would lick the puppies not only to show affection but to stimulate defecation and urination.

Dog owners are often perplexed at the habit of the pet to lick the anal area. For sure, this habit is not borne out of the need to show affection or to communicate. A dog with the body all contorted to be able to reach and to lick the rear end would be amusing to watch. However, it would not be amusing if the dog that was seen licking the butt would lick the master's face to show its affection.

After the puppy has defecated or urinated, the mother dog will lick the pup's anal area clean. The habit to lick was learned by puppies from their mother. Dogs use their long raspy tongue for grooming purposes. Humans shake hands - dogs sniff each other's butts. The butt licking behavior can be the dog's way of ensuring that the rear end is free from dried feces and from the smell of the feces as well. Dogs have the predilection for anything that humans find horrible. Dogs love to eat feces and to roll in rotting animals. A dog that licks the butt is simply giving in to the desire to indulge in something smelly

A dog will lick the butt to remove a foreign object from the anal area. Plastics, cloth and other non-edible objects will be ingested because dogs are indiscriminate eaters. The plastic, the cloth and other indigestible objects eaten by the dog will come out in the same form. The indigestible object will not be totally excreted so that the dog will lick its butt to remove the dangling thing from its anus.

Another reason why a dog will continuously lick its butt is an impacted anal gland. Inexpensive and low quality dog food will result to soft stools so that the anal gland is not emptied normally. Bacteria will build up if the anal glands are impacted. This will make the dog extremely uncomfortable. To alleviate the pain and the discomfort, the dog will be seen constantly scooting and licking the butt.

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