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Tuesday, 24 July 2012

English White Terrier a.k.a. Old English Terrier

By Jerry Welsh

Different types of earth dogs have existed in Great Britain since the early 18th century. The dogs were generally called terriers or earth dogs. For years, these dogs have existed without being formally classified into distinct breeds. The point of distinction would be the appearance and the place of origin.

Classification of terriers into distinct breeds occurred in the middle of 1800s when dog shows become popular. Dog owners have started creating "new breeds" from the existing dog types. To gain the attention of dog enthusiasts, these new breeds were given interesting fictional histories. The English White Terrier is one of the dog types that were named and introduced as a new breed.

The English White Terrier is a dog breed that weighs from 12 lbs to 20 lbs. This breed of terrier has a smooth all white coat, a muzzle that narrows to a black nose and a wedge shaped head and a rather flat skull. Set fairly close together are black oval shaped eyes. This breed has perfectly pricked ears that are commonly cropped by owners. Moderate in length, the tail that has a thick base tapers to a point.

It is rather unfortunate that the English White Terrier also known as Old English Terrier is now an extinct breed. Terriers are generally called earth dogs because of their propensity to follow the prey underground. These tenacious hunters have high prey drive that will not allow foxes, vermin and other animals to escape even in their burrows. English White Terriers are delicate and fragile dogs thus they are not very good hunters that can follow the prey in their burrows. An English White Terrier would not make an ideal hunter's companion. During its existence; the English White Terrier has enjoyed popularity in the show ring.

English White Terriers are handicapped by their genetic disorder of deafness that hinders them from being good hunters and working dogs. English White Terriers though make good lap dogs. English White Terriers are affectionate dogs that love getting the attention of the human family. The extinction of this breed was largely caused by the lack of utilization and the breeds genetic disorder. The English White Terrier is now an extinct breed but it has left an important legacy. This breed was recognized as the forebear of many present day terrier breeds. The Sealyham Terrier, Jack Russell Terrier, Parson Russell Terrier and Fox Terrier have descended from the now extinct English White Terrier.

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