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Saturday, 7 July 2012

Advantages Of Low Cost Spay And Neuter

By Elinor Tran

Cat owners should take advantage of low cost spay and neuter Ossining for a number of reasons. Female cats are spayed through a procedure called ovariohysterectomy. This procedure involves the removal or the ovaries and the uterus.

Male cats undergo neutering to get rid of their testicles. These processes are not complicated and are risk-free. Pregnancy is something spayed female cats will no longer experience and neutered males can no longer fertilize cats. Pregnancy prevention can be achieved.

It cannot be denied that pregnant cats are prone experience pregnancy problems which can be dangerous. These problems can be prevented as a spayed cat will no longer get pregnant. Spraying can also be stopped if female cats are spayed. This is also done by male cats to indicate their territory as well as transmit signals in the course of the mating season.

Cat owners who are already tired of cleaning after their cat sprays should neuter their pets instead. However, neutering will not help remove the spraying behaviour especially if their cat sprays due to urinary tract information or stress. Spaying female cats means estrus cycles will no longer take place.

The result will be less meowing and mood swings in the course of the mating season. Your pet will have a stable behaviour and will become friendly and affectionate. Neutered male cats will no longer be involved in fights because of territorial reasons and in the course of the mating period.

Cat owners can reduce the risk of getting infections like feline AIDs and injuries by doing so. Mammary cancer, uterine infections, and ovarian cysts and tumors are less likely to take place if female cats are spayed. Neutered males, on the other hand, will less likely to suffer from prostate issues or testicular cancer.

More affectionate and calmer behavior can be displayed by neutered cats. They are naturally less whimsical. They can be good pets and do not have to think about mating. Neutered cats will spend more time indoors and are less active. These are the benefits of low cost spay and neuter Ossining for cats.

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